Exercise Addiction - Addiction to Exercise - Overcoming Exercise Addiction

Are you addicted to Exercise?
Let's find out what is exercise addiction, its symptoms and how you can cure yourself or your loved one from exercise addiction. |
In this article You will discover
Are you addicted to Exercise?
With such an increased focus on obesity, everybody has surely heard that exercise is a healthy addition to modern lifestyles.
We should all be moving our bodies and adding exercise to our daily routine. However, just like many aspects of life, it is possible to have too much of a good thing.
If you can't imagine how that could be true, consider how any addiction can impact normal living: things like family, work and friends take a backseat to whatever the addict is controlled by.
Surprisingly, for some people, that factor can actually be exercise.
What is Exercise Addiction?
Because exercise is an otherwise healthy behavior, it can be hard to recognize exercise addiction as a problem and discuss it with a loved one.
Experts aren't exactly sure what the root of exercise addiction is, but it does seem to be related to other body image disorders like bulimia and anorexia.
However, instead of, or in addition to, controlling food intake, exercise addicts attempt to control their body image through harmful amounts of physical activity. Some addicts also seem to experience an obsessive/compulsive component to their issue.
The hormone that is released with physical activity, known as the exercise high, can also motivate the disorder to accelerate.
Symptoms of Exercise Addiction
If you have a friend or family member who exercises for hours every day and is extremely fit, does that mean that they are exercise addicts?
Not necessarily. There are some distinct symptoms that are associated with this issue.
In order to determine whether you, or someone you love, has a problem, you need to become familiar with the behaviors that accompany an exercise addict.
To begin with, you can examine the exercise schedule:
1. Exercising for more than a few hours every day can be an indication of exercise addiction.
2. Adhering to a strict workout schedule can also be a clue to the problem.
These two symptoms are a place to start. However, many serious athletes could easily do the above two things and still maintain a healthy and balanced life. If these are the only two factors present, exercise addiction probably isn't an issue. Instead continue to examine the following symptoms:
3. Exercise addicts hide their routine from family, friends, gym members and trainers.
4. Compulsive addicts exercise beyond the point of safety, often causing or working through an injury.
5. Unlike healthy athletes, addicts usually work out when they are sick.
6. Addicts are extremely focused on their calorie intake and weight loss.
7. Exercising starts to interfere with normal life in a noticeable way.
8. Not being able to exercise leads to depression.
9. Addicts may exercise at unusual times, such as the middle of the night.
If you can put your finger on a good portion of these symptoms, you may have a problem, or you may know someone else who does. Unlike normal and healthy physical activity, exercise addiction is not good for your body and you need to seek help for yourself or your loved one.
Treatment for a Healthy Life
Exercise addiction is usually treated in facilities that deal with other types of body image and eating disorders.
Eliminate Training Completely
As a first step, the addict will be required to eliminate all heavy exercise for a period of about thirty days.
Depending on the program or doctor, low intensity activity like walking or yoga may be substituted during the recovery period. In addition, talk therapy will probably be used to address the underlying control issues that lead the addict to turn to exercise to feel like they have their lives in hand.
Discuss Your Feelings
Discussing feelings with other patients who really understand their concerns can really assist the recovery process.
In addition, skilled therapists should be on hand to redirect unhealthy thought processes and help the patient to learn new and healthier coping mechanisms.
Hobbies can help
Things like hobbies and hands-on activities are often used as a physical outlet and a way to build self esteem, a commodity that many addicts lack.
Keep in mind that removing the option to exercise can cause extreme depression, so professional oversight is usually necessary. As recovery becomes more likely, a healthy exercise regime can be introduced with professional assistance.
Most people wouldn't suspect that someone who exercises a lot could be suffering from an addiction. However, if the above list of symptoms is present, it could be possible.
Unlike athletes, who maintain exercise routines for a specific physical goal, adjusting and resting as necessary, an addict is compelled to exercise, regardless of the circumstances.
Being unable to exercise can lead to anger and irritability. Exercise addiction is closely related to eating and body image disorders and should be treated in a similar way.
Good News
The good news is that addicts can recover and lead a normal life. If you, or someone you love, is a compulsive exerciser, seek the help that you need.
Free From Addiction Program
Click Here to read how you can get rid of addiction from exercise and live a fit and free from addiction life!
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