Top 10 Tips to Design Your Own Workout
  There are many reasons a person might be interested learning to design their own workout that works. Primary among the reasons people seek to learn how to design their own routines is that cookie cutter workouts don’t do what they need or fit in their schedules or are simply too simple or too hard. Custom workouts can be designed by anyone if they follow the tips contained here in and are willing to dedicate a little time and research into deciding just what their body needs. Both professional and novice body builders and athletes in training will usually research what other body builders and athletes are doing in their workout routines. What they don’t do is slavishly copy the other athlete. They don’t do this because each knows that their bodies are individual their needs and goals are unique and no two people have the same metabolism. That means the individualized workout routine based on what that person’s body needs to reach their goal is the one most likely to work. That brings to the top 10 tips to design your own workout that actually addresses your own needs and goals. - Keep a journal or workout log is tip number one. The chances are you will want to modify your workout as you go along but to do that you need to know exactly what you did and in what order each week. With a workout log you can keep track of what parts of the routine are working and what portions need fine tuning.
- Start out slowly if you don’t know your limits. One thing mistake that many new workout enthusiasts make is to over train. Doing too much can be almost as bad (if not worse) than not training at all and can certainly lead to injury.
- Select your goals before you lift a finger, a leg, or a weight. You need to know what you want to achieve with your workout to be able to design a routine. If you have excess body fat then you may seek to trim off the fat while building dense lean muscles. If you are a participant in a sport that requires endurance then you want to train your cardio. If you need power and agility such as for jump training you want to train your core and your legs as well as increase your overall fitness level.
- Pick a role model who has the build or the power or the endurance that you want. You won’t want to copy them exactly since the chances are you are facing different issues in training but you do want to take a look at how they achieved their goals and maybe fit some of those philosophies into your own training.
- Take it a week at a time when you are designing an exercise routine. You probably will employ muscle confusion in your program and most athletes and body builders work out on a weekly schedule that keeps their routines fresh and keeps their bodies from becoming too comfortable.
- Choose your exercises to accomplish your goals. Different goals will require different exercises. Decide if you will use a gym or equipment you build or purchase for your own basement or garage. Make sure you have the equipment on hand or readily accessible such as at a gym to perform the workout you design.
- Adjust as necessary because no workout routine is set in stone, the idea behind designing your own is to adjust for your body type, metabolism and your available time. At first you may need to tweak your workout several times to reach the right muscle groups or focus on the right training area.
- Dedicate time on a consistent basis. You should not expect the results your want if you can not realistically dedicate the time to your workout. If you do not have 2 hours a day to devote to a routine, don’t design one that requires 2 solid hours of workout. Instead adjust your routine to realistic limits and then be consistent.
- Don’t forget cardio even if your goal is strength and power. Cardio training helps improve overall health and improve blood flow to every part of the body, this results in more endurance, power and strength. No workout is complete without some time dedicated to cardio training.
- Support your workout and yourself with proper nutrition. That may mean more research especially if you are striving to lose body fat and build lean muscle tissue. Body builders are constantly tweaking their diets to adjust to their body’s needs of the year or the month. In addition supplements and plenty of rest may be helpful in achieving the goals you have set for yourself and your workout.
It is not as hard as it might sound at first to design a workout that works to achieve your individual training goals. Recommends Turbulence Training - Quick Fat Burning Workouts 
Time efficient Research Proven Workouts that boost Muscle Growth and Blowtorch Body Fat.
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