Problem in My Body

by Sammy


I'm working out for past 6 months. Everything was going fine and i'm developing good muscle too due to given details in this website.. but now the concern arises in my body. The region in my body that join the shoulder and chest is developing a kind of cracks due to growing muscle, the skin is getting torn out,it is not paining or giving any kind of irritation...
So am i wrong somewhere in my workouts? Does this will create any sort of problem if i continue my workout? Is there any remedies to cure this cracks?
Do provide me with some answer.
If u can, do mail me in my email-id

Why do you get Stretch Marks after Bodybuilding

Stretch marks are usually noticed in people that picked up weight within a very short time, and this also involves those that bulked up for bodybuilding purposes. Besides bulking up for body building, the action of building muscles also tends to aid the development of stretch marks.

Stretch marks are usually formed around the areas o the pectoral muscles or where the shoulders join the chest as these are one of the areas that are constantly being used during weight training.

How stretch marks form on the body during body building

In order to understand how stretch marks form during body building will require that you understand the physiology of the body. The skin is made up of layers; the outer layer that is the thinnest layer, the middle layer that is the most elastic region of the body
and the deepest layer that is called the subcutaneous layer.

During body building, it is necessary to use weights that will progressively challenge the muscles into growing bigger. The mechanism of this occurring is as follows; as you pump weights, the muscles are broken down as they become overcome by the heavy weight and the repetitions. This is necessary because as they breakdown, they will later form stronger bonds and hence stronger muscle fibers to overcome that weight.

In order for the muscles to continue being built up the load has to increase and thus the muscle are continuously being broken down and rebuilt. The dermis (second layer of the skin) also becomes broken down during training and it is these ruptures that are seen as small reddish lines on the body. It may sometimes form small grooves that are evident of the rupturing of the skin that has taken place underneath.

What can be done about the stretch marks?

As with many things, prevention is better than cure and if you are absolutely worried about getting stretch marks, then controlling your muscle building by having a step by step increase in muscle size is a better option to rapidly building muscle mass.

Many body builders have also gained relief from stretch marks by using creams on their bodies that penetrate the layers of the skin and activate the regeneration of the skin. It has also been shown that skin ointments containing vitamin E have been known to aid recovery of the skin to normal by healing stretch marks.

Sammy (India)

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Dec 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

You need to see a doctor or physio, not a personal trainer of fitness guru

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