How to Set Short Term & Long Term Fitness & Exercise Goals


How to Set Short Term and Long Goals in Exercise and Fitness

Setting short term fitness and exercise goals are very important not in themselves as goals, but as a means to get you started on the way to achieve your long term fitness goals.

Short term Exercise and Fitness goals work on the philosophy of how the longest journey begins with the first step. Therefore the short term goals work like the steps that you take on the way, step by step, day by day, until one day, you find yourself in the place you want to be.

Of course on many places along the way, you may look ahead and think you haven’t achieved much and want to give up. However experience has proven over and over again that if you continue, you will reach your goal.
So how does this work in fitness?

Ok, say I want to build my muscles and loose some fat. I hit the gym and find all the guys carrying very heavy duty weights, should I give up, no.

I ask for advice on where to start, and the different weightlifting techniques that should build my strength gradually allowing me to progress.

Then I build a plan of where I expect to be after 3 months, 6 months and after a year. My short term goals are the weekly goals, monthly goals, 3 months and six months. My long term goal, I give myself a year to achieve.

Then I start my program slowly doing all the exercises that I can handle, and then pushing myself slowly to increase the intensity o failure. It is at the point of failure that I know I have reached a limit.

When I arrive at this point, I push myself again and again to go over this level. I evaluate myself regularly each month to see how well I have performed and make new resolutions to keep on if I am on track or to double my efforts.

One thing about goal setting is that sometimes we may not achieve it on schedule, be willing to change strategies, look for what works and keep on. Holding on and getting yourself motivated to do your exercises is what will get you there in the long run.

Hope these tips help you just like they helped me.


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Dec 29, 2014
Nice one
by: Anonymous

What an excellent write up! Often we set long term goals and fail miserably. Setting short term goals is the best way to go. This can help you make a better assessment about your health. Diet is equally important. Medical billing and coding companies

Feb 21, 2011
re: How to Set Short Term & Long Term Fitness & Exercise Goals
by: Anonymous

Building muscle and losing weight are beauty categories not fitness categories. And the goals suggested in this post are poor for progress.

for fat loss Why not get liposuction (like some
foolish people actually do)?
The problem with this type of goal setting is that it's not specific enough and it doesn't
say anything about what is truly desired.
If you're not connected to what you really want, then guess what? Your motivation will rapidly dampen and you'll quit.
Often, particularly when it comes to health, fitness, goals are set willy nilly without any real thought gone into them.
Not good for those of us who suffer from impatience and, then again, our chances of
giving up start to increase.

But something is better than nothing, right?
Well, how about something meaningful?

As examples: How far can you do a standing jump? How high can you jump? How many full chin ups can you do? How many press ups? How fast can you climb a 10 metre rope and back down again? Climb a rope at all! How far can you walk on
your hands? Can you walk on your hands? Can you do a handstand? Can you get yourself into a yoga back dome position? How quick could you run 400m? I could go on and on.

Here's the thing. If you set goals of this type and work toward them, a number of great things will happen:
1. They're easy to measure because they're very specific and you can gauge any improvements quite easily over small periods of time
2. They're instantly motivating and inspiring, enjoyable to do, and will therefore keep you focused
3. By improving and developing your motor skills, you will find that your body fat, fitness, and energy levels,and all round health will make
dramatic improvements as part of the process. What great side benefits!
4. You're actually focusing on improving your physical health the way it's meant to be improved. This is what it's truly all about: You actually living your physical potential while looking and feeling sensational!
And besides, it's far more enjoyable than watching numbers on a scale move slowly!
The more motivated and inspired you are, the more you keep with your program, and therefore the greater the chance of you achieving what you set out to achieve in the first place.

Does your trainer set these types of goals for you and then help you with their achievement? What improvements are they guaranteeing you?

Hope this helps!

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