Help with Ab Circuit Workout Routine by Dee

by dee
(sydey, australia)

I am a 19 year old female. I have been doing an ab circuit routine for a couple of months now. My routine involves 3 sets of 15 reps of 4 different ab exercises. To make the workout more intense, what should I do? Do i add weights? If so, how heavy? should I just add on another set? or add another exercise to each set?

Hi Dee,

Before adding weight, I suggest you reduce the time interval between sets.

Also make sure that you treat each repetition as a set in itself, meaning put every effort to contract the muscle using full range of motion.

HAaev a killer workout.

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Jul 12, 2010
by: Dee

Thanks for your input Anonymous, I have added a couple of these in. I also do 30 minutes of running and 30 minutes of dancing prior to my ab routine.

Jul 12, 2010
Whole body
by: Anonymous

You'd be better off targetting the whole body as one unit rather than isolation training.
Do would chops with a med ball, burpees, squat press, turkish get ups, body rows on rings.

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