help me! i want to lose weight, gain muscle and look great

by lilly
(new york)

so i am 13 i am fat well u think 100 pounds is good 4 a 13 year old but i am fat.

so i dont want to be anorexic but i may end up that way i am just so tired of bieg fat but before i go the anorexic way i just wanted to ask u to help me.

tell me some good ways to gain muscle and if u don't tell me i will just go the anorexic way tell me how many calories i should be eating tell me what are the best things i should eat to gain muscles tell me every time i am just so tired of being fat i hate my self i cut myself on my stomach and arms.

Hi Lilly,

Thanks for your email.

Lilly, since you are only 13 years old, I recommend that you get a clearance from a doctor first. Please don't ignore this advice.

Secondly, its not the right time to start building muscles using heavy weights.

The best you should do is to start doing bodyweight exercises { I will give the link below} and do aerobic exercises.

Have a active lifestyle and eat lots of grains, veggies and proteins.

Use the links below to learn more about the above topics.


Also I suggest you try the Burn the Fat program, but once you start this program, take your time as the program can be difficult to follow. But with your motivation I am sure you will do what's required.

You should lose about 1-2 lbs a week on a program that's right for you.

Hope I have been helpful.

Hameed S.

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Jun 09, 2010
Usecircuit training body weight exercises and have fun
by: Mike Eves

Hi Lilly:

Great that you are thinking about your health & fitness. So many don't these days.

Focus on health, Strength and fitness and not about weight loss. This way you won't get drawn into the weight loss mentality where the motivation to be fit can be totally loss. You will become lean and fat loss will be a (nice) side benefit.

Firstly have a check up with your doctor then concentrate on exercises that use the whole body as one unit (don't use weights until you are older). So do things like pressups, body weight squats, skipping, handstands against a wall,chin ups when you can and medicine ball exercises (there are loads!). As you improve you can increase the intensity by 'Working for time':- put several exercises together in a circuit, set a timer that goes off say every 30 seconds. Perform the exercise for 30secs, rest 30 secs, then do the next exercise etc.

Keep changing, explore new exercises, have fun!

You could also buy a jungle gym from Lifeline products - this is a fantastic peice of kit and the exercises can be progressed as you improve. Check out . The owner Jon Hinds is brilliant and there are lots of exercise suggestions and video on the site.

Good luck to you.


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