Cincinnati Weight Loss Help for Graduation Day

by Tanisha

Well my name is Tanisha, and I'm a senior PRP High School and I'm trying to

lose weight before I turn 18 in April and more pounds for graduation which is
in June.

I've been on a diet but kind of stopped because I've almost Ran out of dieting
foods, BUT it will not happen again because I'm over eating, get it, ha but
seriously I don't even want to look at food right now, I'm not going to think
about it.

And it's not like I have an Eating problem, it's just that I like good foods and
good foods come with a price and weight gain which I'm not having anymore.

Soooo Please welcome me to your program because I'm very anxious to get out of
what I USED to call a body.


Hi Tanisha,

You can use anyone of the various 
weight loss
  I review.

You can use the 
Burn The Fat Program
Turbulence Training

Please check them out and follow anyone to the best of your ability.



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Feb 17, 2011
Re: Cincinnati Weight Loss Help for Graduation Day
by: Mike

Hi Tanisha:

First of all weight loss is NOT a fitness category, this is because weight loss goals hold you back, lead you open to fad diets and induce health problems & eating disorders - hardly heathly! Instead the focus should be on health & fitness. When people say things like "I want to lose 2 stone in weight" - 2 stone of what? Reducing your calorie intake and doing lots of cardio will deplete your body of lean muscle and age you - again hardly healthly.

However, if the focus was on health & fitness (with skill) then becoming lean is a nice side benefit. But of course you want to be lean and the main reason why you feel overweight is probably down to the fact that you eat a great deal of man-made food and unnatural animal-based food. What's happened (for millions of people too) is that your body's natural satiation system has been confused by this highly calorie dense, highly processed food. We are not eating naturally! As an example look at all animals in the animal kingdom - do you ever see a bird so fat it can't fly? Do you see overweight monkeys, lions, horses, fish - even a blue whale has a body fat level of 12%. Yet we humans struggle - we are not eating naturally and our natural built in protection system is failing us. Ignoring this system is a bit like ignoring gravity! It is disturning that many doctors and some health professionals are devoid of this knowledge.

If you contact me on my website: (go to the contacts page and drop me an e-mail) I will write you a progressive eating plan (not a diet!) that will revolutionalise how you should eat food. This is a not a fad diet! Below are fad diets that will destroy your health in the long term:-

Eating six small meals a day - a Fad Diet
Low fat - Fad Diet
Less Carbs - Fad Diet
Calorie counting - Fad Diet
Weight Watchers - Fad Diet
Atkins - "Make me sick" Fad Diet
Gi Diet - Fad diet
Extra K - Dangerous Fad Diet
High Protein - Fad Diet
Supplements - useless fads

There are thousands more, all deliberately complicated in order to hook you in. There is a better way, in line with what you truly desire.

I can also offer you some fitness advice - away from the cardio machines and isolation BS you see at commercial gyms. You don't need a gym you don't even need training shoes and it can be done anywhere at anytime. You WILL get superior results in half the time.

Drop me a line on my e-mail and I'll put you on the road to true health and fitness.

Best wishes

Mike Eves
Certified NASM Natural Fitness Trainer
Certified IKFF Kettlebell Trainer
Former Judo Coach and National Competitor

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