Do you want to Build Muscle and Burn Fat at the same time?

Watch This Free Video Before Anything Else !

"Can you build muscle and burn fat at the same time?"

Is it really possible to get lean and also muscular at the same time?

Is it really possible to get lean and also muscular at the same time?

YES. This article will show you how.

You can Build muscle mass and burn fat at the same time "if you know what foods groups to eat and when".

What dieting? No. Far from it.

And Don't worry, you will have plenty of food choices with minor modifications only.

But first you must understand the role of hormones in building and breaking your body.

You need to accurately understand the dietary and hormonal manipulation strategies you will be using.

This article reveals the exact Science of Building Muscle and Burning Fat at the same time.

Inside this Article

  • Calories in, Calories Out Concept Revisited
  • How to maximize hormones via nutrient changes to lean body
  • Workout Strategy to Build Muscle and Burn Fat
  • 4 week Lean Body Program
  • Burn Belly Fat and Get Six Pack Abs with Customized Program

Calories in, Calories Out

Building {muscle} and Burning {Fat} at the same time might seem like a mathematical impossibility.

Muscle building is an anabolic activity and burning fat a catabolic one.

And yes, Muscle Building requires caloric surplus and Burning Fat requires caloric deficit.

But not at all times and certainly not on all days.

With all-day caloric manipulation and hormonal control you can burn fat all day long.

And with peri-workout caloric manipulation you can force nutrients into muscles and build lean muscle mass.

To be continued...

›› Build Muscle and Burn Fat

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