Body Weight Training for Fat Loss

Watch This Free Video Before Anything Else !

How to Lose Body Fat With Nothing but Body Weight Exercises

This Free Video Saved my Butt !!

Here's the method I used to burn body fat in my tiny Downtown Apartment...with no trips to the gym, weights or any equipment whatsoever.

My name is Mateen Sidd and I run the popular site,

Last Holiday season I was in a bind. I was spending 60 hours per week running a large Men's suit store & 30 hours per week running my high traffic site.

I Really Had NO Time to Workout. Between work, my website, and spending time with my girlfriend...I barely had time left to get 7 hours or sleep per night.

Thank God For This "Body Weight Circuit" Video!

So I found a free video on You Tube that looked interesting. I didn't know it at the time, but this video saved my butt!

The "Crazy 8" Body Weight Cardio Circuitt

1) 60 Jumping Jacks

2)Spiderman Pushups 10-15

3) Walking Lunges 10-15 for each leg

4) Spiderman Climbs 20 total

5) Squat Hold on Wall 45 seconds

6) Plank Hold for 60 seconds

7) Burpees

8) Running High Knees in Place 25 per side

Rest One Minute and then do it 2 more times


I was skeptical, until my first time trying this workout! I couldn't even finish this circuit the 3rd time...and I think I'm pretty fit!

I did nothing but this workout 3 times per week from November of 2008 until mid-January of 2009. It worked wonders and actually improved parts of my physique that traditional weight training was missing. 

A Way to Get Access to Craig's Course Without Spending $57

I was so impressed with the results I got from this particular body weight circuit. So I decided to go over to Craig's Main site, Turbulence Training.

What I found was the Basic Turbulence Training Course that all of the other sites were recommending, didn't include what is in my opinion the most important part of his workouts...The Body Weight Manuals.

I found that the  Body Weight Manuals sold for $57...which is cheaper than the $77 Deluxe Edition...but this is still too steep for many people.

A Hidden Page!!

Craig mailed out a link to his list a while back that soldthe $57 "Body Weight Manuals" for just $19.95

Click Here to See the Hidden $19.95 Body Weight Training Page

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