Boatman - shoulder exercises - press and raise

by James Penfold

You take a fairly conservative size set of dumbbells, 7.5-10kg. Believe me, you don't need too much more.

From a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, all these exercises are done as consecutive supersets.

Start with 10 x side shoulder raises
Then 10 x front shoulder raise
Then 10 x bicep curl into shoulder press (rotate wrist 180 degrees after curl for the shoulder press)
Then 10 x just shoulder press
Then 10 x side bicep curls (as you would with a normal bicep curl, but with the the weight being table away to the side of the body)
Then 10 x hammer curls

Job done!

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May 25, 2015
by: Page

The shoulder exercises that are discussed here on the page are awesome and will be helpful to body builders and fitness freaks. Actually the exercises that are discussed here are professional and should be done with the help of a trainer. - auto service specials in hollywood

Feb 18, 2011
shoulders etc
by: Anonymous

sounds good but more weight less reps build more muscle, lift until u cant do another single press or lateral..

Dec 13, 2010
Boatman - shoulder exercises - press and raise
by: Anonymous

Can I ask why 10 reps? Or is it because it says so in the body building manaul, so there?

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