Best Chest Exercises for Shaping - Shape your Chest

by J
(Bedford )

Doing 125 press ups in 5 sets every 3 days is the best thing you can do for chest, best shape!

Best Chest Exercises for Shaping; How to shape your Chest

It is summer again and many people are dreaming of dressing light that will show of their physique and bear testimony to their hours of work out in the gym. Whether for general fitness or for aesthetics, a finely built chest is an addition to your physique and it takes the right kind of chest exercises and the right techniques together with persistence to be able to succeed in this.

The chest is divided into the upper and the lower chest and in many cases just doing one kind of exercise will not work all the different muscle groups involved that are responsible for the shape of the chest.

Designing the chest workout

In order to shape your chest, you need to have a plan to follow. The different parts that are involved in giving your chest a great shape are;

1. Do exercises that build the muscle mass first
2. Isolate the different muscles in different exercises to make the shapes defined and appealing
3. Make sure that you start your exercise with a good warm up exercise and also use cool down techniques like stretching at the end of the exercise
4. Perform the exercises at least once a week, or twice weekly as suits your program but observe periods of rest between workouts to give your body time to recuperate before the next training session.

Here are the best exercises for shaping the chest;

The Bench press exercise

The bench press exercise is an exercise that is used to build chest mass. It can be used by both novices and advanced users. The bench press can be done with either the dumbbell or the barbell. This example is of the barbell type;

• Lie down on a flat bench
• Lift up your hand and unrack the barbell or have a spotter stand over you and hand you the barbell.
• Hold it with the palms facing away from you and with your elbows in a straight line.
• Push the barbell up by extending your arms, pause at the top and then return to the starting position again.
• The key to building chest muscles with this exercise is to make sure that you increase the weight you are using during each exercise.

There are other variations of the exercise that you can use; these involve the inclined bench press which works on the same principle but the bench is inclined instead of flat, the dumbbell press which uses dumbbells instead.

Dumbell flyes

Dumbbell flyes are also important for building and sculpting the pectoral muscles which represent the largest muscle group of the chest. Here is how to do the exercise;
• Holding two dumbbells, lie flat on the bench and hold the dumbbells together high over your chest.
• Lower the dumbbells by opening your arms wide. You may go as low as you can. Then bring them up again to meet at the top with your arms outstretched to complete one repetition.

Like other exercises, there are many varieties of this exercise. One of the most popular variations is the cable flyes.

The chest dip

The chest dip is another exercise for building the chest. It can be done as follows;
• You need to use a chest dip machine or just a chest dip station that has handles from which you can push yourself from.
• Grip the handles and press to lift yourself from the ground, stretching your arm in the process.
• At the top of the press, gradually lower yourself again.
• Some people find it useful to bend their legs to allow for increased motion if their station is not very high.
• The difficulty can be increased by using weights attached to either the ankles, waist or carried on the back.

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Mar 22, 2015
so good
by: Kentranca

I was advised by my instructor to stopping playing for my chest. The reason was that I used to over kill the excesses and also force myself with the weights too. We were able to know a lot more about similar things from the gym trainner too. - windows 8 tech support

Jun 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

Best to "work for time" rather than counting sets and reps. By Working for time you will send your exercise rate through the roof and stop you from becoming stagnent. Sets and reps are boring too.

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