Apache Army Girl - weight loss story

by Grace Kelley
(Corpus Christi, Texas)

I am a US Army soldier, female, 32, 120 but I suffer from terrible stress fractures in my leg. This hasn't stopped me though.

I found by going on the elliptical trainer 4 times a week and weight training 4 times a week, I was losing a steady 2 lbs a week.

It took me 3 long months but it was better than fasting or going on some crazy diet. I even joined fitday.com for free where I could input everything I would consume including liquids. If the site didn't have a certain food or drink, I was able to customize that food with the label on the food or drink.

Added to this great tool, I was able to keep measurements of my body along with what activities I completed everyday. The site even has a mood tool which was great to keep track with what effect certain foods were having on my stress levels/moods. Good luck everyone. You can do it!

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Nov 10, 2010
You look great
by: Barbie

Great inspiration.

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