7 days work out

by Felix Yu

First of all, I like to thank you for your great work out tip. I have followed most of your plan, with some minor modification, for a week now, and I feels great.

My work out plans are as follow:

Daily - Abs
Sunday - Shoulder
Monday - Run
Tuesday - Bicep
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Chest
Friday - Run
Saturday - Back and Tricep

I work on Cardio as well, therefore I try to run every Monday and Friday. I work on my Legs Wednesday, so that my legs get at least a one day break.
I know I can do at least 30 sit up a day, so working on abs daily is a must. When doing weight sit up, I like to use a 25lb weight. Because the Weider 25lb weight fit perfectly on my chest and it weight just about right.
Bicep and Chest are two things I want to work on the most, so I give them one day of their own.
I don't want to give myself a break in any day because 1. I don't think that my exercise were too extreme. 2. If I stop for one day, I will lose motivation and might skip a day of excerise and eventually stop all together.
And everything else, from type of exercise to number of sets are pretty much the same as this site provided.

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