Hindu Squats - How to do Hindu Squats Properly

Why are Hindu Squats so effective?

Discover how to build strength, stamina and lung power with Hindu Squats. Hindu Squats and hindu push ups exercise and plenty of squat variations for cardio fat burning.

One of the ancient exercise, the Hindu squathas been used for centuries in India to build incredible strength, stamina and cardio power. Karl Gotch, a strongman did 9001 Hindu squats and is a record in itself.

but I challenge you to do 100 Hindu squats at a stretch!

How to do Hindu Squats Properly


Step 1: Begin by standing upright with a shoulder width stance. Look straight ahead. You should place your hands bent at elbows right in front of your chest as shown.

Step 2: Lower yourself as you do in regular squats with your hands straightening out and moving to your sides and backwards as you go down.

Step 3: As you are lower yourself and reach close to bottom position, raise your heels and finish the bottom position on your toes alone. This is how Hindu squats differ from regular squats.

Step 4: Push with your toes and swing your arms so that you explosively stand erect with legs fully extended on your feet {both toes and heels are in contact with the ground} and your arms swinging back to start position.

This constitutes one rep. When you do Hindu squats, it resembles a rowing exercise with your arms swinging back and forth.

Repeat this exercise as many times as you can. A good start is 25-50 reps and there is no end if building serious leg power and stamina is your goal.

How to breathe in Hindu Squats?

Exhale as you lower yourself and inhale as you swing your arms back.

Also check out Hindu Push UpsBodyweight Squats  and other bodyweight exercises.

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