What is Isometric Exercise ? And How can They Help You ?

Learn what is Isometric Exercise, who can use them and how to use them to reach Your Strength Training Goals.

What is Isometric Exercise?

Isometric Exercise is derived from Greek Words - Isos {meaning Equal} and Metrikos {meaning Measurement}.

It means in an Isometric Exercise there is no change in the length of the muscle fiber.

Example - Biceps Curls. If you stop curling the bar at any point over the range of motion and maintain that position, the exercise becomes Isometric.

In Exercise Physiology it means that in Isometric Exercises the tension in the cross-bridges equals the resistance to shortening and the muscle length remains relatively constant - No net Movement.

Isometric Exercises are used to build Static Strength. It is used by athletes and sportsmen to build strength not available with conventional strength training methods.

They have been shown to improve strength in at least 15 degrees around the angle at which the isometric position is held.

Learn more about Isometrics in the Isometric Exercises and Workouts  Section.

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