Rapid Weight Loss Tips - By Tina

by tina

one always stretch the muscles you will be using and hold them 20 seconds. and always keep hydrated i drink about 3 quarts a day right now. and when its hot out i drink around gallon . intervals work very well with me. many successes


How can Water help you Lose Weight?

The issue of overweight and obesity is crushing our society today and many people are into all kinds of limited diets and weight loss programs. Even though they are doing all in their power to lose weight, many people are losing one essential, natural and almost free resource that can make their weight loss very effective.

This missing component is water. We are constantly being told that water is important for life and that the greatest proportion of our body is made of water. However not many people take in the recommended dose of about 6 glasses of water daily.

How does daily intake of water influence weight loss?

Since our bodies need a high percentage of water in order to function perfectly, when we are not giving our bodies the recommended dose of water, the body tries to make up for the lack by withholding water in every possible way. Therefore you are secreting less and less, and the retained water adds up to your increasing weight.

The greatest consequence of water retention is that you are not metabolizing near as much fat as you should be doing, and your body is not secreting as much waste as it should because it is the flow of water through the body that helps it to secrete the wastes of metabolism. In the end, the amount of fat you are burning is not as much as you should have been doing.

When you drink sufficient amounts of water, your body will sense the increased amounts of water you are taking in and will stop retaining more. Therefore when you drink water, it will be circulating as it should, taking the waste products of metabolism out, and flushing the system by sending you more and more frequently to the bathroom. Therefore your body will be working far better and you will be losing more fat in the process.

Another effect that water has in helping weight loss is that when you drink water before you eat, it takes up space in your stomach and reduces the hunger pangs. This has the effect of reducing the quantity of food that you can take in which helps you to lose weight.

How much Water does it take?

The recommended amount of daily intake is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. These amounts have been proven to be effective in keeping your body in optimum working condition and thus help you to lose weight more effectively. The good thing is you do not have to drink this all at one time.

That is the mistake many people made and puts a lot of stress on their system. Moreover they may find that they go to the toilet more often and so abandon the habit. However if you spread your drinking during the whole day, taking about 2 glasses in the morning, 2 glasses in the evening, and the other two glasses you can spread it during the day.

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