Guillotine Press

by saze

How to do Guillotine Press

The guillotine press is a variation of the normal barbell bench press exercise. It is a good exercise for isolating the muscles at the top of the chest and also minimizes the effect that the secondary muscles have in the movements. In a normal barbell press exercise, the major muscles being worked are the pectoral muscles and also the muscles of the shoulders and the triceps which are the secondary muscles are also worked.

The guillotine press therefore ensures that the primary muscles of the chest are employed in the workout to a greater degree, while the secondary muscles are not affected very much in effect increasing the effect of the workout on the primary muscles.

The procedure for doing the guillotine press exercise

Here is how to do the guillotine press following the correct method;
• Load the needed weight on the barbell and place the barbell on the rack. For those that have never done the exercise before, it is usually better to start with a smaller weight just to make sure that you learn the correct form. Once the correct form has been mastered, you can then progress to use bigger weights.
• Lie on the bench and reach for the barbell, holding it in an overhand grip (with the palms facing forward) and your hands spaced slightly larger than shoulder width.
• Then lower the barbell so that the bar comes close to the neck, pause for a moment and then push the weight back to the top and repeat as necessary.

Though bringing the barbell to the neck has obviously been shown to have beneficial effects in making the barbell press more effective, it is also a dangerous exercise as the barbell comes very close to the neck. Therefore care should always be taken when performing the exercise and you should always try to perform the exercise with a spotter if you will be going for very heavy weights or if you are a novice in the exercise.

There are many advantages to building the muscles of the chest. First it increases the body appeal and attractiveness, and then it also helps in the development of strength that can be necessary through life, especially as one gets older. Chest exercise must be done together with other exercises for total body fitness and should be done at least once a week for maximum effects.

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Oct 07, 2015
Thank you
by: Jose

Well, it would have been more convenient if you could have attached the step by step photos of the same, so that it would have been much easier to learn and exercise the same. Anyways, thanks for sharing these valuable exercise tips.

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